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Call Pickup Groups

The NBX 100 provides a range of 32 Call Pickup Groups.

The Call Pickup tab in the Users menu of NetSet allows you to modify the name of a Call Pickup group and whether non-members are allowed to pick up a call for the group. You can also modify the membership of the group.

By default, every phone that is added to the system is automatically given membership in Call Pickup Group 0. System Administrators can add and users to and from any of the 32 Groups. Users can remove themselves from Call Pickup Group 0, but not from any other Call Pickup Groups.

The Call Pickup window is shown below.

Figure 25 - Call Pickup Window

To Modify a Call Pickup Group

1. Click the User Configuration icon.

2. Click the Call Pickup tab.

3. Select the Call Pickup group to modify.

4. Click the Modify button. The Modify Call Pickup Group window appears.

5. Make changes to the group name as necessary. To allow users who are not members of the group to pick up calls directed to the group, click the Allow Non-Member Pickup check box.

6. Click the Apply button. The Group is modified.

7. When done, click the Close button.

To Configure Membership of a Call Pickup Group
You can modify the membership of a Call Pickup group at any time.

1. Click the User Configuration icon.

2. Click the Call Pickup tab.

3. Select the Call Pickup group to modify.

4. Click the Modify button. The Modify Call Pickup Group window appears.

5. Use the >> and << arrow buttons to move users between the Members List and the Non-Members list. You can use Control-Click and Shift-Click to select multiple users in each list.

6. Click OK when done.

Mapping Call Pickup Groups to Phone Buttons
You can map Call Pickup Groups to user phone buttons to provide one-touch access to the Call Pickup Groups.

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